Hold out your hand to help
Blood is vital to life, but it can’t be made in a laboratory. We need blood to transport oxygen to the brain, power our muscles, and remove waste from the body. Blood protects us from bacteria and viruses and helps heal everyday wounds like cuts in the kitchen.
Although we hope to never need a blood transfusion, it might become necessary to anyone. Usually the need is sudden due to an accident or acute illness. Blood transfusions are given when the body can’t produce enough blood on its own. Donated blood is given to everyone from an unborn baby to the oldest members of our community.
There’s a blood donation site at the University of Vaasa on Thursday, February 20. Here at the student union, we want to encourage everyone to hold out their hand and donate blood between lectures. This year, subject organizations compete with each other as donor groups. The goal is to accumulate blood donations throughout the entire year, so it’s okay if you can’t make it this Thursday. At the end of 2025, the winning subject organization receives a free booking of the Leipis sauna facility! The winners will also get a surprise prize, which will be announced later in the year.
You can donate blood if you have a Finnish personal identity code and have lived in Finland, another EU or EFTA state, or in the UK for at least the last three months. Otherwise there aren’t many restrictions if you are in good health. Only a few illnesses and medications prevent donating. Medical treatments, new tattoos and piercings, and new sexual partners will result in a deferral period, after which you can donate again. Test if you can donate on the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service website.
So, what actually happens during a blood donation? First, you fill out an information form and go through it with a nurse. Then, a small sample of blood is taken from your finger to ensure you can donate safely. During the actual donation, you sit in a comfortable chair while a nurse gets the donation going. You can sit back, relax, and pump your hand into a fist for about ten minutes. After the donation, you get a snack and something to drink. After eating ycan leave to have a calm rest of your day. Remember to drink enough water!
I asked VYY’s Executive Board and staff for tips on donating blood:
Book a time with a friend or surprise yourselves by donating without an appointment! You can also donate by yourself, but it’s even more fun with a friend!
Remember to eat and drink before the blood donation, especially if it’s your first time - being nervous can make you queasy.
The blood is drawn from your inside elbow, so a zip-up hoodie can make the process easier.
If you are nervous about needles and blood, chat with a friend during your donation, or scroll on your phone. The actual donation time is very short and will go by before you know it!
The nurses are there for you, so ask them any questions you might have or tell them if you need anything.
You can also help by joining the stem cell registry because more donors are needed! Stem cell transplants are used to treat patients with, for example, leukemia. First, they search for a stem cell donor from the family, but if none are a match, and then the only possibility is the stem cell registry. Signing up to the registry requires filling out a form and taking a swab from the inside of your cheek. Check if you are an eligible stem cell donor from the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service website.
For more information on blood donation and the stem cell registry, visit the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service website.
See you on Thursday!
Maaria Salminen
board member, social affairs