Maria Saita speaking into the microphone in the speaker's booth. There is an Aalto University logo on the speaker's booth and in the background a rollup with the SYL logo and a banner with the words SYL General Assembly on it. In the foreground of the picture you can see people sitting in the audience.

Maria Saita elected to National Union of the University students in Finland Board 2025

Maria Saita, a candidate of the Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY), was elected as a member of the Board for National Union of the University students in Finland (SYL) for 2025 at the SYL General Assembly in Espoo on 16.11.2024.

Saita was born in Romania, grew up in Espoo and settled in Vaasa for her studies. She is a 5th year public law student and has been a member of VYY's Board for the past year. Her responsibilities have included the Student Union's municipal affairs, EU elections and communications. Previously, Saita has been active in VYY's representative group Vivahde and in the student organisation Hallinnoijat ry. She is also the youngest member of the Vaasa city council for the Green party. She has promoted the interests of young people and students in Vaasa throughout the council term.

"The campaign has now come to an end, and above everything right now, I feel gratitude and warmth for all the support I have received during this fall. I am very honoured by the trust I have received from the General Assembly. I am heading into the next year humble, but with great passion and enthusiasm. I want every student to have the opportunity for a safe, valuable and equal tomorrow,” Saita comments.

The last time VYY's candidate was elected to the SYL board was in 2021. Saita's campaign manager for the autumn was Jasmin Koskela, who has also been a member of the VYY board and a candidate for SYL board in 2022. 

"It's great that VYY has a representative on the SYL board again after a few years' break. It is important that VYY is active in national advocacy and I am proud to have been able to contribute to this work." Koskela says.

In addition to Saita, the following people were elected to the SYL board:
Anselmi Auramo (LTKY), Chair of the board
Tilda Lassila (HYY)
Samuli Leppämäki (Student Union of National Coalition Party)
Mirka Nieminen (ISYY)
Heli Ylikoski (JYY)
Mantė Žygelytė (AYY)

In addition to the board election, the General Assembly also made decisions on the content of the SYL policy paper and the action plan and budget for the coming year. VYY had 5 votes in the meeting and we participated with a total of 13 people in our delegation. The composition of the delegation was decided by the VYY Representative Council. 

Photo: Anriika Photography


More information

Maria Saita
044 324 8977

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