
VYY leima


Study planning is an integral part of university studies. It is good to familiarize yourself with the study plan as well as with the various options available so that you can create a study entity that is just right for you. Planning can be especially challenging in the beginning, and that is why the University actively supports students in planning their studies and provides a lot of useful information on it. Each student should visit the University of Vaasa – planning your studies website.

Each student of the University of Vaasa prepares a personal study plan, i.e. HOPS (henkilökohtainen opintosuunnitelma). HOPS is intended to help in planning, scheduling and visualizing studies. Additionally, study counselling staff will provide educational guidance, information on minor subject options as well as on graduation. Teachers of the various fields and study programmes are the best advisors regarding the contents of studies.

As part of their student counselling services, the University also offers the services of a study psychologist, who is an expert on the psychology of learning, guidance and counselling.

Each student should visit the University of Vaasa – planning your studies website.

Study-related issues

On all study related questions, the primary contact is always the course teacher or University staff member responsible for education matters (Education Coordinator, Assistant, Specialist, the title depends on the school). All educational matters between the student and the University are always confidential.

However, if you as a student feel mistreated or encounter a study-related problem, please contact the Student Union’s Specialist in Students Interests. The VYY staff is here to serve the members and to offer assistance in solving problem situations. All Student Union contact information is available on the contact information page.

Typical reasons for contacting the Student Union include missing or late exam results, delayed thesis examinations, dissatisfaction with an assessment or grade, as well as possible mistreatment by the university staff or other students. Missing exam results or transcripts may be reported to the VYY Black list below.

Student rights and responsibilities

University students enjoy a much greater academic freedom compared to previous levels of education. Academic freedom, however, entails also a significant academic responsibility. For example, a student has the freedom to plan their studies according to what is available in the university curriculum, as well as the right to receive study counseling, but they are ultimately responsible for the advancement of their own studies and for following the university guidelines and regulations. Being a university student means being aware of your role as a responsible member of the university community and acting accordingly.

Student rights and responsibilities are defined primarily in the Universities Act as well as in various University of Vaasa guidelines and regulations. This site lists some of the most central student rights and responsibilities in the university community.

As a student, you are entitled to the following (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • to receive study counceling
  • to study without being discriminated or harassed
  • to study in a barrier-free and safe study environment
  • to know how the assesment criteria is applied to the assessment of your coursework
  • to receive coursework results within 30 days of the exam or of the deadline by which the coursework had to be submitted to the course teacher
  • to appeal for rectification of coursework or thesis assessment within 14 days of the assessment decision

As a student, you have the following responsibilities (this is not an exhaustive list):

In all matters related to student rights and responsibilities, please contact the VYY Specialist in Students Interests.

Black list

Delays in receiving exam or coursework results are one of the most common reasons to contact the Student Union. According to the University of Vaasa regulations, students have the right to receive their coursework results within 30 days of the exam or of the deadline by which the coursework had to be submitted to the course teacher. During the time period between the fall and spring semesters, the results of exams and other credits must be recorded within 45 days of the date of completion. The Specialist in Students Interests utilizes complaints submitted via this form in supervising the implementation of students’ legal protection concerning late exam results.

You may also submit your email address with the form if you wish to receive a reply to your complaint. Contact information gathered through this form is used only for the purpose of discussing the complaint between VYY and the student who submitted the complaint. We do not release the contact information to any third parties.

Report late results of exams or course work using the form below! Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Contact the board or the staff of the Student Union

The board and the staff are happy to tell you more about the Student Union and how to participate!