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Student-friendly Vaasa 2024 report published
The Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY) has published the Student-friendly Vaasa 2024 report, based on a survey conducted in autumn 2024. The survey was answered by 427 university students from Vaasa, the majority of whom study at the University of Vaasa. In addition, there are students from Hanken, Åbo Akademi, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Novia and Helsinki University, as the survey was marketed together with other student communities in Vaasa.
The survey highlighted several areas of development that undermine Vaasa's attractiveness as a study city. The main problems relate to housing, employment and mobility.
"This is the first survey of its kind. We got really valuable information about what students think should be improved in the city and what things are already good! Students are particularly concerned about the current housing situation. I believe that cooperation is key to achieving a more student-friendly Vaasa," says VYY board member Maria Saita.
The survey gives all actors in the region tools for the development of the city. The report highlights the following findings:
Finding accommodation is perceived as very challenging - especially for new students. There are too few small and affordable flats available to meet demand.
Job opportunities are perceived to be limited and many students are worried about finding work in their field after graduation. Engineering students perceive employment opportunities to be better than students in other fields.
Public transport performance is perceived as problematic - especially in the evening and at night. There is also room for improvement in the light transport infrastructure.
Students want the city centre to be more vibrant and eventful. The importance of student-friendly services and events is highlighted in the responses.
The report contains concrete suggestions for the City of Vaasa. For example, the city should promote the construction of student housing, create attractive conditions for new business start-ups and improve the functioning of public transport. The report also recommends, among other things, improving the quality of cycle paths and pedestrian routes, and making the city centre more pleasant and safe.
The Mayor of Vaasa, Tomas Häyry, says that the challenge of student housing situation, solutions are already being considered, as finding a home of one's own in a new city of study is a priority.
"It is really great that VYY, together with other student unions, carried out such an extensive survey of students. It gave us a lot of important information for the development of our services. Students make our city young and dynamic, and it is important to us that they enjoy their stay. It is a pleasure to work with students, and to make our city a happy place to live as a student. I also hope that as many people as possible will find a job and stay here permanently," Häyry continues.
But the report also shows that Vaasa has a lot of good things going for it from a student's point of view: the city is seen as cosy, compact and peaceful. Students particularly appreciate the proximity of services and the beautiful maritime environment.
The raport can be read in Finnish on our website.
For more information
Emma Lehtonen
Chair of the board
Student Union of the University of Vaasa
044 324 8965