VYY has published language policy recommendations for the university community
The Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY) has published its language policy recommendations, which include recommendations for completing studies and developing the language skills of the university community. The recommendations have been created as a response to the increasing internationalisation of the university and the growing number of courses in English.
There has been a significant increase in the amount of degrees and courses in English
as the University has become more international. Currently the Finnish-language degree programmes also include a large proportion of teaching in English. The aim is not to restrict access to courses taught in English, but to ensure that the use of English is appropriate and justified. One of the key objectives is to ensure that students have the right to be taught in Finnish.
In addition to teaching and degree programmes, the language policy recommendations address issues such as requirements for staff language skills and language courses for international students. In some disciplines, shortcomings in teachers' language skills have been identified, posing challenges for learning. VYY also wants to ensure that students in international degree programmes have the opportunity to develop their Finnish language skills in order to improve their integration.
Teaching language of courses and the language skills of both staff and international students have been widely discussed by students this year. The student union wants to suggest solutions to language issues, which is why we have put together a set of language policy recommendations. The recommendations have been prepared in consultation with the student union's advocacy committee, which consists of student representatives and the subject association board members responsible for educational affairs. The recommendations have been approved by the VYY board on 31.10.2024.
VYY's language policy recommendations (PDF)
Jonni Kuortti
Board member, educational affairs