New Students

Tutor coordinators' greeting

Hello! We are this year's tutor coordinators Aino and Helen. Together we are responsible for arranging tutoring for new students. And more specifically, Aino has the responsibility of tutoring for the Finnish programmes and Helen of the international programmes. Please feel always welcome to contact us before and during tutoring through our emails: (Aino) and (Helen).

First off, we want to congratulate you for choosing an excellent university to study in. We are pleased to welcome you here in Vaasa and the student life we offer. You will be starting a unique time in your life, and Vaasa will surely be offering versatile opportunities and unforgettable moments!

On this webpage, we've gathered some important information you can familiarize yourself with before arriving in Vaasa. There might be a lot of new information and it can be challenging to internalize all of it. You should not worry though, the tutor project 2024 is here to make your integration as smooth and easy as possible.

We have 101 amazing tutors in our project this year. One of them will be your own tutor that you can rely on and ask any questions. Your tutor will be in contact with you by e-mail in the beginning of august, so we recommend you keep an eye on your inbox as well as junk mail, just in case.

In addition to tutors, we have 15 tutor educators. Together we are all aiming to create the best and most memorable fresher's autumn for you. You can also ask for advice from us, the coordinators, and tutor educators. We are recognisable from our light blue hoodies, red overalls, and happy vibes.

A lot of different activities and events are organized throughout the year, and we recommend you to participate in the fresher's events arranged from orientations to two weeks onwards. The most important advice is to come with an open mind and to get to know new people!

On behalf of the whole tutor project, we want to congratulate you for accepting your new study place and welcome you to be part of the University of Vaasa and the Student Union's community! See you in the fall, and let's make this the best fresher's autumn of the century!

Best regards,

Helen Rankaviita
International tutor coordinator

Aino Rouhiainen
Tutor coordinator


See what's to come and watch the aftermovie of autumn 2019 below 

Schedule of freshers autumn

Links to the event pages will be added in August.

27.8. First international night

28.8. First night´s party

30.8. Campus Rally

31.8. First weekend's party

2.9. Speed Friending

3.9. Olympics

6.9. VYY’s Initiation Rite

9.9. Fuksichämppärit

10.9. Practice Sitzparty

13.9. Seinäjoki get-together evening (Only for students in Seinäjoki)

Fresher’s checklist

The first days and weeks at the University are usually an absolute avalanche of events. On the first day, you’ll meet your tutor and attend the introduction to the University, studies, and academic life. Your tutor is a volunteer amongst the students who wish to contribute to our work. The University of Vaasa is a close-knit community, and help is always available on request.

VYY also organizes student parties where all new students of the University of Vaasa are welcome. The most legendary of them are the first night and first weekend parties, which are not to be missed! At the end of the tutorship period, an initiation ceremony is arranged, where new students will be formally accepted as members of the academic community.

Take care of these as soon as possible:

  • Enroll to the University and pay the Student Union membership fee.
  • Download Slice app from Google Play or AppStore for a free student card. You can activate the student card on 1.8.2024 at earliest. Please read more about the digital student card on our membership page.  
  • Apply for the students financial benefits provided by Kela.  
  • Pay the healthcare fee for students in higher education to Kela by the 15th of November.
  • Find an apartment. You can applo for one at VOAS.
  • Notify the post office and the local register office about your move.
  • Remember to make an electricity contract to your apartment, if it’s needed. You can make a electricity contract with, for example, our  partner Vaasan Sähkö. As a student you get -50% discount on basic charge when ordering the Student Electricity.
  • Also, remember to get a home insurance for your home, for example from our partner LocalTapiola Ostrobothnia. You an now get a 30% discount on home insurance for a year, when you buy it online by 30.9. 

First things to do at the beginning of the semester:

  • Ask questions from your tutor or from the Student Union in case there’s anything you’d like to know. We are here to help you.
  • Join the new students Facebook group to get to know other freshers and find out about events during the freshers' autumn.
  • In case you’ve ordered a plastic student card, make sure you get the academic year sticker to it. You can get the sticker from the Student Union service office. In case you decide to use the Slice application, no sticker is needed
  • Sign in to the FSHS Self-service. It is an online service through which students can communicate with the FSHS.
  • Follow at least VYY and your subject association's social media pages and subscribe to the VYY weekly newsletter to keep up to date with important information related to student life. 

Your Student Union

The Student Union of the University of Vaasa (or VYY) is there for all of the students at the University of Vaasa. 

Watch the vide below, and get to know the student union (subtitles are available in English)!

VYY exists first and foremost to make your time at university as smooth as possible. We look after students' interests on campus, in Vaasa and nationally, and stand up for students when things get tough. Our Student Union is also known for its strong sense of community, which we cherish and promote through various events and tutoring, among other things. In addition, VYY membership offers a wide range of national and local benefits and services.

All members of the Student Union are welcome to join our activities. VYY has a wide range of roles, from tutoring to the event team, representative council, board and various projects. So keep an eye on our website and other communication channels if you want to get involved!

The best way to keep up to date with VYY's activities is to follow us on Instagram and subscribe to the VYY weekly newsletter. You can also find our other social media channels below. You can also feel free to contact the board or staff or visit our service office in the Konttori building on campus.

VYY on Instagram
VYY on Facebook
VYY on Threads
VYY on X
VYY on LindedIn
VYY on
Subscribe to VYY’s newsletter!


Welcome to study economics at the University of Vaasa! 

At the University of Vaasa, you can study finance, international business, and strategic business development. There are also a variety of Finnish programmes within the economics field. Warrantti ry is the subject association for economics students at the University of Vaasa. 

Warrantti ry is the biggest subject association on campus. Their most important job is to advocate for economics students’ study-related affairs and help you with any study-related issues you might come across. They also organize different activities and events where you can meet other students. 

More about business studies from the University of Vaasa’s website

Business students’ subject association Warrantti ry’s website

Logo of Warrantti ry


At the University of Vaasa’s technology master’s programs, you can specialize in industrial management, industrial systems analytics, and smart energy. The field of technology is ever-growing and future experts are wanted in the working life.

Tutti ry is the subject association at the University of Vaasa for students of technology. They advocate for technology students’ top-quality education and help with any study-related issues. Subject associations also organize different events and activities for their members and students on campus.

More about technology from the University of Vaasa’s website

Technology students’ subject association Tutti ry’s website

Logo of Tutti ry

Industrial management

You can also study industrial management and graduate in the field of technology with a degree of Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration. 

As an industrial management student, you have two subject associations to choose from - Warrantti ry or Tutti ry. You can also choose to join both of them. Warrantti ry advocates business students ‘ interest and are the biggest subject association on campus. Tutti ry is the subject association for students of technology. 


More about industrial manafgement master programmes from the University of Vaasa’s website

Business students’ subject association Warrantti ry’s website

Technology students’ subject association Tutti ry’s website

Logo of Tutti ry Logo of Warrantti ry

International tutors

International tutors are here to help you with anything you might need help with during your first few weeks in Finland and in Vaasa. Get to know our international tutors below! 

NOTE! Photos on the page don’t scale correctly, so please take a look on the page with a desktop for the best experience.

  1. Anna Ranz, 4th year business student, “Cha cha chaa, you will love Vaasaa!”
  2. Ellen Tuomi, 2nd year business student, ”The hardest part is starting”
  3. Emmiina Parsama, 2nd year business student, ”Attend as many events as possible and enjoy, fresher-events = the best time!”
  4. Juuso Pakkanen, 3rd year business student, “Remember to make new friends and enjoy the moments!”
  5. Kaarlo Sarkeala, 2nd year business student, “Never be too afraid to ask for help”


  1. Kia Saari, 2nd year business student, ”Make the most of freshers autumn!”
  2. Lauri Helin, 2nd year business student, “Never back down, never give up”
  3. Matilda Mäkilä, 4th year business student, “The city with the best student life awaits!”
  4. Patrik Kainulainen, 2nd year technology student, “Work hard, play hard”
  5. Roope Kangaste, 2nd year business student, “Positive attitude = positive outcomes”


  1. Samila Liyanage, 2nd year technology student, “In life opportunities are not given they are made & taken”
  2. Senni Salonen, 2nd year business student, ”First things first: remember to take your naps! <3”
  3. Shabnam Rahim, 3rd year business student, “You’ve got this, and the best is yet to come!”
  4. Ulrika Kohvakko,  2nd year business student, “Keep calm and slay on”
  5. Veikko Kytölä, 2nd year, business student, “Be prepared for windy but sunny weather!”


The University of Vaasa's Strategic Project Management degree programme is taught in Seinäjoki. Check out the tutors of the students studying in Seinäjoki below!

NOTE! Photos on the page don’t scale correctly, so please take a look on the page with a desktop for the best experience.

  1. Asad Rafique, 2nd year Strategic Project Management student, “Welcome to the excited journey and I am super excited to meet you all!”
  2. Reshma Dsouza, 2nd year Strategic Project Management student, "Cherish every moment, explore beyond the familiar, and know – the adventure is just kicking off!"

Exchange tutors

VYY also arranges tutoring for exchange students, who are studying their degree somewhere else and spend a semester in Vaasa University. Get to know our exchange tutors below!

NOTE! Photos on the page don’t scale correctly, so please take a look on the page with a desktop for the best experience.

  1. Aleksi Korhonen, 2nd year business student, ““The best memories are the ones you can’t recall in the morning!”
  2. Aleksi Lumme, 2nd year business student “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride."
  3. Cecilia von Ungern-Sternberg, 2nd year business student, “Remember to relax and enjoy your freshman fall”
  4. Elena Lehikoinen, 4th year administrative sciences student, "No worries, no stress, Vaasa is the best!"
  5. Hilma Vesamäki, 2nd year business student, “Get excited, Vaasa will be the time of your life! ;)”


  1. Jesse Niemelä, 2nd year communication student, “Make the most out of the freshers fall, it is truly an unforgettable time!”
  2. Kaisa Pasonen, 3rd year administrative science student, “Even if the wind is rough, stay positive; Vaasa is a beautiful place.”
  3. Mariam Rahim, 4th year business student, “Get ready to discover Vaasa’s vibrant student life!”
  4. Milja Halt, 2nd year communications student, “Remember to stay hydrated!”
  5. Niilo Laurila, 2nd year communications student, “Enjoy your time here and don’t worry about every little thing. We’re never alone, and together we’ll get through anything!”


  1. Oskari Vepsäläinen, 2nd year business student, “You can leave the stress for tomorrow!”
  2. Vertti Suokivi, 2nd year business student, "What’s the worst that can happen?"

About the tutorproject

The tutor project is a project implemented by the Student Union of the University of Vaasa, aimed at providing new students with a smooth transition into the university community and creating social relationships that promote student well-being.

The tutor coordinators are responsible for the overall management and implementation of the tutor project. In 2024, Aino Rouhiainen is responsible for coordinating tutoring for Finnish programmes, and Helen Rankaviita for international programmes. You can find the contact information of the tutor coordinators on our website.

In 2024, there are 15 tutor educators and 101 tutors involved in tutoring. The tutor educators assist the coordinators and support the tutors in the project. Tutors are responsible for tutoring new students, guiding them into university life, and ensuring the new students integrate into the student community.

The tutor project also includes well-being tutors (hyvis-tutors), whose role is to ensure a safer environment in every event of the tutor project. Any tutor can be approached with concerns, but the well-being tutors are specially trained for situations where you need a listener or help with uncomfortable situations. All well-being tutors have received training organized by the Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY), and you can recognize them by the word "HYVIS" on their tutor shirts.

Each field of study has a designated well-being tutor. Below, you will find the list of well-being tutors for 2024, organized by field of study.

Administrative Sciences Aura Muurimäki
Economics Erika Strömberg (bachelors) ja Simona Thaci (masters)
Technology Elmo Koskinen
Industrial Management and Information Systems Veeti Uosukainen
Communication Venla Mäkelä
International tutoring Ellen Tuomi
Exchange students

Elena Lehikoinen

Seinäjoki Reshma Dsouza and  Asad Rafique


The tutor project also includes sport tutors, whose task is to focus on organizing sports activities. The sport tutors have also put together an information pack on sports facilities in the area, which will be distributed to new students at the beginning of the autumn. So if you have any questions about sports opportunities, you can ask a sport tutor.

Administrative Sciences Eetu Nappari
Economics Anton Tiilola, Aino Arvonen, Vihtori Kivisaari, Karo Korvakangas (maisteri)
Technology Jami Heinonen
Industrial Management and Information Systems Emilia Helin
Communication Milla Virtanen
Exchange students

Oskari Vepsäläinen


Free time in Vaasa

Getting to know other freshers

The early weeks are full of networking events. However, before you start studying, it's a good idea to join the Facebook group "Vaasan yliopiston fuksit 2024 / Freshers of Vaasa university 2024".


Information on Fresher events

All events will have their own page on Facebook and the On the event pages, you can find the time and place of the events and other information you need to participate. You can also find information about the autumn events on VYY's Instagram page (@ylioppilaskunta). You can also get more information from your tutors and by subscribing to the VYY email newsletter


Student union activities

There are many ways to participate in the activities of the Student Union. You can get involved in various projects, participate in advocacy as an administration student representative, or apply to the student union board, which is elected in November-December. Every two years, there are also the Representative Council Elections, in which each member of the Student Union can run in and has the right to vote. The next Representative Council Elections are in the autumn of 2023!

More information on the Board, the Representative Council, and projects can be found on the Come join us -page. The Secretary General and the Board of the Student Union will also be happy to answer any questions you might have. 


Club and association activities on campus

There are several clubs and associations on the campus of the University of Vaasa. Different clubs and associations focus on advocacy, event organization, or sports, for example. Attend events and activities or set up your own! 

For more information on organizational activities in general, contact the Student Union's board member responsible for organizational affairs


Sports in Vaasa

The University of Vaasa provides sports services for students. The diverse range of services includes e.g. gym, pilates, and other group exercises, cheerleading, and various ball sports. The services can be accessed by purchasing a digital sports sticker from the University online store.

More information on sports services on the university's website.

Vaasa also offers a wide range of sports facilities, from gyms to ball games, dancing and climbing. There are also many high-quality sports clubs in the area, so there are activities for the ones who prefer to be spectators. At the beginning of autumn, sport tutors will provide new students with more detailed information on sports facilities. 

Vaasa also offers good opportunities for outdoor activities. The city's website provides information on outdoor sports facilities in the area. 


Free time in the city of Vaasa

In Vaasa you will find culture, outdoor activities, restaurants, and events, there is something for everyone. Feel free to ask your tutor about the different possibilities and find things you like to do in addition to student life!


Get to know Vaasa's culture selection 

Get to know what activities and nature sites Vaasa have to offer 

Check Vaasa's event calendar


Greeting to new students from organizations within VYY

ESN's logo

Other useful information

Student Card

As a member of VYY, you are entitled to a digital Slice student card, which you can use to redeem thousands of valuable student benefits across Finland by Finland’s largest student benefit service. 

Please note, that new students can access the student card from 1.8.2024 onward.To access the card, the student must register for attendance and pay the student union membership fee. The student card can be activated once the student's information has been transferred to the university's systems. This may take a few days after the payment of the membership fee.

How to set up Slice student card?

  1. Download the Slice app from Google Play or App Store.
  2. Use your browser to visit and order your digital student card by filling in the form with your information and photo. You will receive an email shortly after.
  3. You can now log in to the Slice app with the login information received in your email.

If you wish to have a plastic student card, you can order it online and pick it up from the VYY service office. The card costs 10 euros.

More information about both student card can be found on our membership page.

Navigating on campus

Check the campus map on the University of Vaasa website. The easiest way to find the locations of lecture halls and other facilities is to download the Tuudo app from your app store. 


Leipis sauna facilities

The Leipis sauna and meeting room is managed by the Student Union and is located in the center of Vaasa. The Student Union rents the facility cheaply to its members and organizations throughout the year. Leipis can be booked via the booking calendar. In Leipis you can host evening parties, sauna evenings, meetings, and parties for about 30 people. The affordable rent price is due to the fact that the tenants clean the facility themselves. When everyone takes care of the facilities together and is left in good condition, it will also serve future generations of students.


What is FSHS and how does it benefit me? 

The Student Health Care Foundation (FSHS) is a foundation that provides health care services to students in higher education. FSHS supports your health and well-being throughout your studies. FSHS provides oral, general, and mental health services to you studying towards a degree at a Finnish higher education institution when you have registered as an attending student for the current semester.

The healthcare fee for students in higher education that students pay to Kela covers all FSHS services. FSHS does not charge fees for appointments. FSHS has offices all over Finland that offer higher education, and you can use the services of any office during your studies. Please note that some international degree students have been given different instructions regarding the healthcare fee. Always check the up-to-date instructions on Kela´s website. 

Read more on FSHS’s website for new students.

Contact the board or the staff of the Student Union

The board and the staff are happy to tell you more about the Student Union and how to participate!