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The Student Union's corona guidelines for spring 2021
Last modified 29.3.2021
The Student Union of the University of Vaasa has updated its guidelines regarding covid-19. Guidelines include VYY’s recommendations and instructions to students and organizations regarding events during the pandemic. Events are organized according to the traffic light model. More detailed instructions will be found further down. VYY’s guidelines are made to supplement the guidelines provided by authorities and the University of Vaasa.
Vaasa Hospital District is in an acceleration phase of the coronavirus epidemic from 23rd of March 2021. The incidence rate during the last two weeks is 23 towards 100 000 people (updeted 28.3.). The Ostrobothnia Corona Coordination Group recommends that private events with more than 10 participants should not be arranged between March 23rd and April 11th. In addition the Ostrobothnia Corona Coordination Group recommends wearing face masks in all public spaces until 30.4. VYY has decided to stay in the color of red in the traffic light model, until further notice
The service office will be operating with booked appointments after Easter. Further information of booking the appointments will be posted in our social media. Leipis will remain closed until further notice.
When planning events and other activities for spring it is important to remember the development of the national covid19-situation. All events for Vappu should be arranged online. Further information for safe Vappu celebrations will be posted during upcoming weeks.
Stopping the spread of pandemics is all of our responsibility. Therefore, we encourage everyone to follow the guidelines and to act responsibly. Further information about the recommendations in Vaasa Hospital District can be found on the Hospital Districts website.
The traffic light model
The coronavirus situation can vary during the autumn, so there can be times where we may be a need to temporarily restrict events more. This model takes into account different situations. VYY checks the currently coronavirus situation regularly. When the colour changes, we inform about it in our website and in Instagram. Our organisations can see the current situation on facebook group VYY tiedotuskanava.
Red time, proceed as follows:
- During the red time, no physical mass events at all, such as student parties, annual balls, sitz parties, checkpoint events, and other events where it can be difficult to follow safety instructions.
- The organisation should consider the added value of having a physical event . VYY doesn't recommend organising events where alcohol is part of the event. For example, meetings can be held with safe distances, but there should be a change to attend the meeting remotely. Participants should be advised to wear a mask.
- During the red time, it is important to consider safety in the training. It’s possible to organise hobby activities, but the Finnish institute for health and welfare’s safe distances and hygiene recommendations must be followed.
- During the red time, do not go to places where it can be challenging to follow the safety instructions given, such as nightclubs. Students should not organise their own shadow parties.
- VYY’s service office is only open only with appointment. Book an appointment from our website at
Yellow time, proceed as follows
- During yellow time, VYY recommends organising several events for smaller groups rather than bigger events.
- Hobby activities can be organised if the safety instructions are followed.
- It is the responsibility of the event organizer to suspend the event if the safety instructions cannot be followed. Security aspect should be the first thing while planning the event. Excessive alcohol consumption makes it difficult to follow the safety instructions.
- Organisers must collect a list of participants in the event.
- The organiser of the event must tell the participants on what kind of safety instructions will be followed. A face mask is recommended for use in all public spaces. Students should not arrange their own shadow parties.
- Remote events should be preferred.
- VYY’s service office is open with appointment. Book an appointment from our website at
Green time, proceed as follows:
- During green time, there are no specific safety instructions for the coronavirus situation.
Guidelines for VYY’s organisations
- Organiser is always responsible for the security arrangements of the event.
- Events must have a designated person / people for hygiene who must be there throughout the whole event. The person has to make sure that there is a possibility of washing and/or disinfecting the hands during the event. The person takes care of the implementation of safe distances.
- A list of participants should be collected from the events. The list should be stored for three weeks after the event and after that it should be deleted. The participants must be notified of the collection and use of the list of the participants.
- Safe distances should be at least 1,5 metres at events. Hygiene instructions and safe distances must be communicated throughout the event, for example with signs.
- The starting point for event planning is the possibility to maintain a safe distance. If, for some reason, a safe distance is not possible, the mask recommendation should be complied with. Participants should be instructed in advance on the correct use of the mask, because if you use it in a wrong way it may increase the risk of corona infection.
- At events, you should avoid offering food or drinks to participants. If participants are offered something, it should be done hygienically using individual packages. Organiser should encourage participants to use alcohol in a controlled way because alcohol use increases careless behavior and it’s likely to increase droplet infection.
- Outdoor events should be favored. If some events are organised in the same time, it’s important to make sure about the events aren’t held in the same place and participants doesn’t meet.
- It’s very recommended to draw up an implementation plan for all events. Organiser should plan how toilets and hand sanitiser places are arranged, how to make sure about people are following the safe distances and how following of the safety rules are fulfilled and supervised. In addition, how to react if safety instructions can’t be followed.
- It’s also good to continue having remote events. In this way, students at risk and students who don’t feel safe in physical events can attend.
- If coronavirus cases appear after your event, contact authorities and follow given instructions.
How to gather a list of participants to help trace the chains of infection?
The use of the list of participants must be told to the event participants. The list must be shared with the health authorities, the University of Vaasa, and the Student Union of the University of Vaasa if needed, and this should be told to the event participants. The time the list is stored is three weeks, and after that, the list must be destroyed.
To trace the infection chains, it is important to know who has been at the event at any given time. If the only list that is available and collected is the registration list, tracking the infection chain is challenging. When participants arrive at the event, collect information on who comes in and who leaves and include the time when they enter and exit. This is especially important when it comes to an event that is held indoors. Collecting participants' contact information makes the tracking work easier. It is a good idea to collect at least a name and a telephone number from the participants.
The list should also include the event organizers as well as anyone who has visited the venue. Participants, who are not on the attendance list, should not be let into the event.
Guidelines for event participants
- Follow VYY’s social media for information regarding which traffic light time we are living. Read the instructions for operating during the red and yellow traffic light times and follow the instructions for the specific time.
- Skip physical events, if you are having flu symptoms, are ill, or have been in contact with someone who has had coronavirus symptoms during the last 14 days, or if you have returned from abroad in the past 14 days. Remember to notify the event organizer of the cancellation.
- Follow the instructions of the organizer, VYY, and the authorities. Register yourself on the list of participants as indicated by the event organizer.
- Remember that each of us has a responsibility to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Please let the organizers know if you notice that the safety instructions are not being followed by the venue, the participants, or the organization. Encourage other participants to follow the instructions throughout the event and kindly remind them if necessary.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer and take care of your hand hygiene, especially before and after the event. Avoid touching your face.
- Follow the authority's current regional face mask recommendation. Face masks can also be used voluntarily at other times. If you wish, you can bring your own mask to the event. Use the mask correctly, as touching the mask may increase the risk of infection.
- Keep a safe distance (1.5 meters) from other people. Stay with your own party during the event.
- Download the Koronavilkku application and remember to keep your Bluetooth on.
- Use hand sanitizer or washing facilities available at the event, and take care of your hand hygiene throughout the event.
- If you enjoy drinks or food at the event, use a personal container. Do not offer food or drink to other participants in the event.
More information about the guidelines
The Student Union of the University of Vaasa's executive board's member responsible for culture and events, Aada Mäkelä ( or the chair of the executive board, Elmo Nikula (