VYY's Wappu Crawl

Wappu Crawl is VYY's own Wappu tradition that tests students' wappu fitness. Wappu Crawl consists of events organized by VYY and the student organizations operating within VYY. During the Wappu Crawl, students participate in Wappu events and collect a stamp to the wappu pass from each event. By collecting stamps to the wappu pass, a student can reach different wappu titles.
On this page you can find more information about VYY’s Wappu Crawl.
Wappu pass and Wappu Crawl titles
Wappu Crawl passes are given out from the Student Union Service Office. In addition, you can also get a wappu pass from the subject associations at their rooms or their events. The Wappu pass is available in both Finnish and English.
When you participate in an event that is part of the Wappu Crawl, you get one stamp to your wappu pass. Some of the events in Wappu Crawl are listed as having an afterparty. You can also get a stamp to your pass from these afterparties. So, for example, if you don't get a ticket to a sitz party, you can still participate in the afterparty and get a stamp to your pass.
During the Wappu Crawl, there are three titles you can get. The three titles are Wappuputkinto, Double Putkinto and Wappumaster.
To complete the Wappu Crawl, you must collect eight (8) stamps on your Wappu pass.
To reach the title Double Wappu Crawl, you must collect sixteen (16) stamps on your Wappu pass.
To reach the legendary Wappumaster title, you must collect 30 stamps.
You can return the Wappu pass to VYY's Wappu silliz on 1.5. or after that to VYY's Service Office located in the Konttori building. In return for the Wappu pass, you will receive an overall patch corresponding to the title you have reached. If you earn the Double Wappu Crawl or Wappumaster title, you still receive the Wappu Crawl patch.
Wappumaster's overall patch and certificate are traditionally awarded in autumn at VYY's overall party. However, please come and return or present your Wappu pass to VYY's service office as soon as possible, after the Wappu Crawl.
Wappu Crawl 2024
Below you can find all the events that are part of the 2024 Wappu Crawl!
NB! If you have any questions regarding an individual event, please contact the organization responsible for the event.
An event page with all the Wappu Crawl events will be posted on Facebook shortly.
Ma 15.4. Wapinan julkkarit (Finnish needed)
Ti 16.4. Gravity check with ENS Vaasa (No Finnish required)
Ti 16.4. Tutti Äänenawaus (Little Finnish required)
Ke 17.4. CoMedia x Tutti Doughnut bar (No Finnish required)
Ke 17.4. HallinnoijatH-Pong party (Little Finnish required)
To 18.4. OVVS: EU elections panel discussion (Little Finnish required)
To 18.4. Puukkoo Pub Crawl (Little Finnish required)
To 18.4. Warrantti's Cross-Faculty-Party (No Finnish required)
Pe 19.4. VYY'S Sima Yoga (Little Finnish required)
Pe 19.4. CoMedia x Hallinnoijat: Wappusitz (Little Finnish required)
Pe 19.4. PiMu presents: Vappupamelabingo (No Finnish required)
La 20.4. Hallinnoijat Pub quiz (Little Finnish required)
La 20.4. Tutti Jäynägaala (Little Finnish required)
La 20.4. KoWa x VIO Tour de E8
Su 21.4. Vaasa parish student brunch (No Finnish required)
Su 21.4. Ainejärjestöjen Wappusunnarit (Little Finnish required)
Ma 22.4. Warranti's Vappu baseball (No Finnish required)
Ma 22.4. Warranti's beerclub's minute-beer
Ma 22.4. SYY-Wasa's guilty wappubingo (Little Finnish required)
Ti 23.4. Giga's Wappumölkky (Little Finnish required)
Ti 23.4. VaKapo's Crayfish party
Ti 23.4. Giga x Voru Wappu's sauna (No Finnish required)
Ke 24.4. VESO Amazing race + afterparty (Little Finnish required)
Ke 24.4. WapEiLop by Warrantti (No Finnish required)
To 25.4. VYY's Herkkuappro (No Finnish required)
To 25.4. Werse's Pannuhuone (No Finnish required)
Pe 26.4. VAMOS Flynkke tournament (Little Finnish required)
Pe 26.4. ESN Vappu Vintage Voyage -sitz + afterparty (No Finnish required)
La 27.4. CoMedia catselee (No Finnish required)
Su 28.4. Sip and Sketch with ESN Vaasa (No Finnish required)
Ma 29.4. Rubs non-erotic brunch (No Finnish required)
Ma 29.4. PiMu presents: Topelius' ass wash (No Finnish required)
Ma 29.4. Tutti Erotic Sitz + Party (Little Finnish required)
Ti 30.4. Wave's vappu party (No Finnish required)
Ti 30.4. Warrantti's Vappu 3K-party (No Finnish required)
Ti 30.4. VYY's Wappu Party (No Finnish required)
Ke 1.5. Teekkarikaste (No Finnish required)
Ke 1.5. VYY's Wappusilliz (No Finnish required)
Wappu events not in the Wappu Crawl pass
There are also traditional wappu events that are not part of the official Wappu Crawl. You can see those events listed below!
30.4. Wappu Picnic at Hovioikeus park
30.4. Topelius getting his student cap